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North Star Counseling
(Mono County)

North Star Counseling is an awesome team of local mental health providers. We come from diverse experiences and serve Mono County students+families with a compassionate and grounded approach. Our counseling services can be found in Mammoth Unified School District, Eastern Sierra Unified School District, and Mono County Community Schools. North Star is made possible through a collaborative effort between Mono County Behavioral Health & Mono County Office of Education. 


Why was my child referred to counseling?

Throughout the school year, teachers or school staff may notice that certain students would benefit from a little extra social-emotional support. It's really case by case, so we recommend that you talk to the person that made the referral and sent home the permission slip.

How much will this cost?

It's free! Thanks to our awesome administrative team from Mono County Office of Education & Mono County Behavioral Health, these services are funded and coordinated through a state grant. It's kind of complicated on the back end, but all you need to know is that your child and family can receive mental health services at no cost.

Where and when will counseling take place?

It depends. North Star providers will most typically see students at their school during the school year. Each session can vary from 30 minutes to an hour. We do our best to work with the student and their teacher to make sure that counseling does not impede on academic progress. However, we do have a big case load and sometimes there just isn't a lot of wiggle room. The good news is that we are mobile, and we can coordinate with you to meet students at an agreed upon place that is reasonable, safe, and secure for both student and provider. Please reach out to if you need to make adjustments to the time and location of your child's counseling sessions.

Can parents attend sessions?

We invite you to attend the initial and final sessions, especially if your child is a little one. It's awesome that you want to be involved. Our recommendation is to talk to your child's assigned mental health provider to see how we can work in some parent involvement into the sessions.

Can teachers request classroom social-emotional support?

Glad you asked! Upon request, our counselors can come into your classroom to provide some social-emotional activity. We would love to be more involved in bringing some calm-down, tune-in time to your students. Please reach out to the North Star Coordinator ( if you would like to request this service.

Who will be providing the counseling service?

A bunch of awesome people that work and play in Mono County. Find out more about our team at the link below.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our North Star Coordinator.


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